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Intro: Skin+Bones
Skin and Bones

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Got a big trunk? Cause I'm gonna put my bike in it
I really need to pick up the guitar. Can't believe that Spring Break is over and boom, I didn't do shit. LOL
But that's what a 'break' is about, right? Not doing much of anything. I guess I trained and that's good. Still lovin' the new bike. Hmm...did y'all see it? Not sure I got around to posting about my first ride.
Lemme post that here:

--From almost 2 weeks ago (jezzz where does the time go)

RIDE OR DIE! - a reminder that no help awaits the triathlete

The weekend was so good, it took me a couple to write about it. Process the pictures. Rest. Ride my newest Tri-tool!

That's right, after riding a loaned ride ...thank you Kev... I received a gift to myself for this season: a $2300 bike new, sold to me for under 400.

Sure I actually bought it like 9 days ago, I haven't been home to enjoy it. Today ended the streak of not riding outside. In my Sunday Best shorts and mandex, I took off this afternoon for a lesiurely stroll and that's where it changed gears.

I go about 5 miles down and I see a green sign that says: Poolesville 8 miles. I determine I don't really want my first ride to measure 20 miles and can keep to the 12-14 I set out to ride.

---That's as far as I got before I got too tired that evening. I rode 22 miles. Amazing ride. Good training route. Rode Georgetown to Nationals Stadium on Friday but hopefully I will get into that when I write about the stadium.

At any rate, the 'new' song is actually an old one but I really am getting into it. Here it is:

I think I'll need Ly or some partner on this one though.

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